New range of cards featuring funny cartoons by Paul Shadbolt - Comedy Card Company

New range of cards featuring funny cartoons by Paul Shadbolt

Oct 07, 2019alan auld

We are delighted to present a new range of funny greeting cards featuring the work of esteemed cartoonist Paul Shadbolt.

Paul Shadbolt has been drawing cartoons for as long as he can remember. His cartoons have been published in various newspapers and magazines over the years including the famous Punch magazine. He is a regular contributor to the wonderful Private Eye magazine, famed for its satirical sense of humour.

We were therefore both delighted and excited to hear that Woodmansterne have released a range of cards featuring Paul's cartoons. Cartoons with some satire at their heart are always popular. Think of the New Yorker range as well as Punch and Matt cartoons. Coming from the Woodmansterne stable, we can also be sure of high quality card and printing. This range is printed in the UK on FSC board, without any cellophane packaging.

Anyway let's take a look at this new range. One of our favourite cartoons shows a pair of dog owners having a chat. They both have 'rescue dogs' but one of the dogs is quite literally a rescue dog, dangling by a line from a coastguard helicopter!

Staying with a dog theme, look at this one showing a dog misinterpreting the idea behind a dog waste bin. He is sitting on it, having a poo, while reading the paper.

Now this may have been acceptable at a Glastonbury festival in the 1970s, but this is not really appropriate for the Last Night of the Proms and the Royal Albert Hall. The steward is not impressed. Please cover yourself up madam!

We've all heard of the Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur's best knights who sat around a round table in Camelot. In this cartoon, the Knights of the Ikea Table may be great military knights but their skills at assembling flat packed furniture leaves a lot to be desired.

A wife worries about her husband's drinking. He uses a stairlift to get up and down the stairs and he has fitted a spirit's dispenser at each step along the way!

In this cartoon Batman is at a dinner party and engages in small talk with a lady. He is dressed in his full superhero outfit but the lady still asks him what he does for a living.

Some tourists meet a pair of Beefeaters at the Tower of London, who admit nowadays some of them are vegan despite their carnivorous sounding name!

At a séance, a couple try to connect with the departed. Meanwhile a cat tries to manipulates the message coming through from the departed to his own end. 

As if poor Luke Skywalker didn't have enough to contend with, finding out that his father is one of the most evil men in the galactic empire. Now Darth Vader pulls back his black cloak to reveal that he is thinking about becoming a woman!

Finally, a mobile phone is causing havoc after being put into 'airplane mode' at home. It is flying around the living room traumatising the occupants. Wonderfully silly humour.

There you have it, a round up of this new range from Woodmansterne. We hope you and your recipients enjoy having a laugh at Paul Shadbolt's cartoons.

View our Woodmansterne Card Range



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Comments (1)

  • Your range of Shadbolt cards is very limited, I wonder is it possible for you to get some of the others particularly the Albert Hall one?

    caroline markillie

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